Mobile component of the occurrence registration platform available at Loures City Council, for all citizens.You can register a problem found on the public street, adding a comment (text) and evidence (photos). The location is automatic, or you can select on the map to indicate the location of the occurrence.The user can see the status of their incidents in real time, from the moment they are submitted until they are resolved.In the list of occurrences you can see: - Pending Occurrences - Closed Occurrences - Incidents to be sent (the app can work offline - when there is WiFi they are sent) - All OccurrencesThe app also allows you to view News, Events and Messages.For example, conveniently receive information about a street that will be closed to traffic for a period of time for an athletics event.See the poster for a cultural event that will take place at a later date.Responsibility for disseminating Messages, Events and News lies with Loures City Council.